Welcome To LC Photography

January 09, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

Hello and Happy New Year to all my wonderful clients!!

I know that 2020 was definitely a trying one for most of us.  I had big plans to do not only my usual Fall Mini Sessions, but I was incredibly excited for my first annual Easter Bunny Sessions with REAL BUNNIES!!  Covid unfortunately put the kibosh to both of those fun events, but I was ecstatic to get to do my Holiday Mini Sessions at the beautiful big red barn this year even if we had to brave the cold.  With all that happened though, I still had an amazing year with all of you that supported me. 

I am so excited to start 2021 with a bang so to speak.  My business name has officially been rebranded to the name LC Photography and I have changed my website and social media to reflect this "official" change as well.  This next change was a difficult decision but ultimately I needed to do this.  I have made the decision to no longer photograph weddings.  I have enjoyed the weddings I have photographed and the choice was bitter sweet as I met my wonderful husband at the first ever wedding I photographed.  However, I would like to focus on the fields of photography that are my real passion, newborn, maternity, family and seniors.

I'm excited to announce I have a brand new platform to collect payments and to send contracts.  My clients will be able to sign the contracts digitally instead of having to print them out and bring them to the session.  All sessions will have a session fee that will be paid at time of booking.  A session will not be booked until the session fee is paid and the contract is signed.  My website will work as my complete purchasing guide, meaning I will no longer be offering flash drives with my sessions.  If you are a previous client with a flash drive and would like me to put your new purchased images on your drive, I will accommodate at no extra cost.  My prices have increased slightly, but like always, return customers get discounts.

I can't wait to capture some great moments with all of you this year!  Let's make it the best year yet.



Elsey (LC )

[email protected]



P.S. Go sign my guestbook for your chance to win a FREE 16x20 Canvas!! 





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